Thursday, December 1, 2011

Week Two (11/17-24)

This week began with a letter from school saying my son would be out of school from Wednesday 11/23-27. It was one of those moments like in a movie: Everything slows down including the word coming out of my mouth, "Noooooooooo!" Don't get me wrong, I love my son very much. I just LIKE him more when he goes away for a several hours a day five days a week. It's the same with his father. I love him. He's a wonderful man, but he was off Thursday-Sunday. I could say they cramp my style, but actually they cramp my nap. It's annoying.

I did learn I'm not a Hag this week. I was thinking of the Three Stages of Woman. Turns out I'm a Crone...much better.

Stage one is Maiden. That's where you play around and have fun. Since I met Paul when I was 38 my Maidenhood lasted until 40. He was my first real relationship. I had many other boyfriends, but it was all fun and games...Ah! Memories! LOTS of fun!

Stage Two is Motherhood. I became a Mom 12 days before I turned 41. I think for me being older was good. I was having too much fun to be responsible for a child before.

Stage Three as I've mentioned is Crone. It's when your periods stop. Mine have always been hit and miss, usually only in the Spring, so really as long as I have mine this Spring I can just call myself "pre-crone". But I'm still 50, can't change that. Crone is the time a woman is supposed to be a teacher of the young. Guess that's a nice way of saying old women say whatever the hell they want. In a way I'm doing that here, so maybe 'pre-crone' does fit!

My Mother died October 22, 2010, so I've been going to my older/only sister and brother-in-law's house an hour away for Thanksgiving. I was going to take my mother's recipe for ribbon Jell-O and even made some, but it didn't turn out right so we had to eat it (real hardship!). I'll try it again for Christmas.

I learned this week that I need to practice my ribbon Jell-O recipe several more times, even if it's a 'horrible hardship'!

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