Friday, December 2, 2011

Week Three (11/24-30)

I just realized "Week Two" was 8 days long, so I'll just start Week Three Thursday night when we drug ourselves back home over fed and with leftovers in tow:

Paul complained on the way home he didn't get any cranberry sauce. You know, the kind that slurps out of the can still shaped like the can? It was there on my sister's table...about six inches from Paul's right arm. He says he didn't see it which I guess since he's 6' 3" tall COULD be true, but I was on his left, right next to him, and I got some. Don't know about him.

Friday dawned with Paul saying he missed sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving and pumpkin pie. Two things my sister forgot. After promising him a Thanksgiving redo we drove up to the Nursing home his Mom has lived at since her stroke. I read an article once about a woman who, like Paul's Mom Judy, lost most of her language after a stroke. After 10 years of therapy she was able to gain her life back, but she said one thing about the experience that she learned and doesn't want to forget was that even though it was hard to communicate, it was a freeing experience. She had no worries of bills, grocery shopping, or even what to wear. She felt totally at peace. When I look at Judy I can see no worry lines on her face, but there is always a smile for her "baby" Paul. After she had had enough of Damien she gave us the "OK" that we understand perfectly and went to Paul's Dad's home.

Bob drives the 30 miles to see and eat lunch with Judy every day. His sister, Melba, now stays with him. They take care of each other. She's a real hoot. Though she uses a cane now she has fierce eyes and a quick laugh. She was Paul's buddy growing up since he was an only child. The one who, I've heard, got him in trouble more than out of it.

She's also someone to study on this journey to refind myself in the world of being 50. Age really is in the mind. When Melba was 50 Paul would have I think been around 15. She got him out of the house and he has told me she was fearless! A good word to remember: Be fearless. You don't have to go jump out of a plane if you don't want to, but get out of bed and GLARE at the day and face it head on. Awesome!

Fixed the promised Thanksgiving Saturday night with the leftover turkey and ham, new stuffing because Damien and I had ate the other, a crust less pumpkin pie because I forgot to buy a crust and wasn't going back to the store for it. And as for the cranberry sauce? It was in the fridge but I forgot to get it out. Now I've had to promise Paul I'll make crepes with my cranberry-butter sauce... Canned cranberries keep for quite a while. No rush.

So what did I learn this week:

1. Paul really likes cranberry sauce!
2. Be fearless today!

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