Everyone Has A Day...

Everyone has a day when they feel that if only they could just cry or hit something (or someone) they would feel better. I have those days. I'm having one now. It doesn't matter what your problem is, I want to turn my bad moment into something good for you. Instead of rolling into a ball and puling (there's that new word!) I'm going to turn outward and remember how I felt on that first day of being 50 and trying to find something or someone somewhere to help me feel better. This is for you who's eyes are teared for a reason that is your own:

Know this: You are not alone. I may not know your name, or what is troubling you, but you are beautiful! You are unique and one of a kind. There will never be and has never been anyone like you. You are without equal or rival.  You are comparable to a peerless diamond: of singular perfection!  A person who has no equal.

Also know this: Life SUCKS! Life is not fair! The sooner you realize this the better off you are. Yes, it is full of whole groups of idiots, imbeciles, jackasses, morons, and lawless/cheating cretins. You run into deceitful, self centered jerks who hurt you and... ooooo! They can really mess up your life! But one thing I tell myself, sometimes through clenched teeth, is they have to wake up every morning and look at themselves in the mirror. How horrible it must be to be them! They're only happy for that split second that they screw your life to shreds, then they are alone with themselves. Even in a crowd they are still the same miserable, horrible person. Also, I truly believe in Karma. They WILL get there's. We may not get to see it but it will happen! As the sun rises every morning they will have to pay someday somewhere.

Also: Your too wonderful to let that person/thing ruin you. Everyone needs a certain amount of time to break down. A moment. Your moment is over! Suck it up buttercup. Get back up, dust yourself off, and get moving! Even if it's just off the couch and into a shower and clean clothes it's a start. It's that first step that's the hardest. The second is a bit easier, and before long you realize it was a lesson learned. Maybe not a FUN lesson, but you survived! You're out of the tunnel and back into the light!