Monday, January 30, 2023


A few weeks ago my son walked up and gave me a photo he had found on the floor. It was one of my dog DeNovo taken when she was a puppy and I honestly have no clue how it got there! She had been on my mind lately, so maybe she was letting me know she's okay and is still looking over me.

Twenty-eight years ago I took in a very pregnant Malamute named She-Ra. I knew it was just until a friend of a friend of a friend was able to take care of her again but through that I was gifted with a litter of puppies to squeal over, and a very special pup to enter my life. I named her DeNovo after a character in a Rex Stout Mystery and it meant "to begin again" or "to start a new". I had had cats for many years, and was still mourning the loss of all three that had died in a short time. Dudette had feline leukemia and died in my arms, I found Cecilia in my back yard. Possibly she was hit by a car as she showed no symptoms of F.L., and my little Tinkerbelle just disappeared. I looked everywhere and put up posters, but never found out what happened. I hope she found another person to take her in.

But DeNovo, who was Malamute and Akita, was special. We had a bond that was stronger than any dog I had ever had or have had and to this day I miss her terribly. 

I know I need to put the photo in my photo box before it gets damaged, but I sat it on the coffee table and through the day glance at her. It just makes me happy if not a little misty-eyed. I like the idea that she watches out for me and I strongly believe we will be reunited. Why I feel so strongly is for the first 30 days after she passed at the age of 13 I dreamed of traveling to a field of flowers where I would get to see my DeNovo. We would lay in the field and I would tell her how much I loved and missed her. On the last visit I was told by a woman who never seemed happy to see me my special girl had moved on. 

I woke myself crying.

I lost my Heeler mix Shady last Spring after 15 1/2 years so maybe DeNovo was telling me Shady is with her now. That would be wonderful!  I could fill up several pages on this subject to be honest! 

It has taken several months to write this post. I miss DeNovo and Shady so much. Pets hold a special place in our hearts.

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