Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Week Eight (12/29-1/4)

Happy New Year. 2012. Woo Hoo. Guess that covers that.

I've had a house full of sickos all through the holidays. First it was the flu. Somehow I avoided it. Now it's a stomach virus, and so far I'm okay. I've started a regiment of taking one of those fizzy anti sick seltzers anytime someone is down and will continue daily until they're both better. So far so good! I recently learned zinc is the magic. I had already known when I had laryngitis all I had to do was suck on a REAL zinc pill and my voice would return a lot faster than if I didn't. Now I've discovered those fizzy drinks and it's so much tastier. With my asthma getting sick is a big deal. I think I'll be better when everyone is back where they're supposed to be: OUT OF THE HOUSE! First Damien was out of school from Dec 23-Jan 2nd, but then the stomach flu kept him home an extra day. THEN Paul got the stomach flu from Damien and he's home. I'm trying not to scream at the top of my lungs out of frustration, and it's hard. I may be a mother, but I've never claimed to be Motherly! This morning after I took Damien to school I sat in the car for about ten minutes, car off, radio off, just listened to the quiet until I felt able to face hopefully the last day of the sick house. I'll take it where I can get it!

I get annoyed when Paul starts blathering that he thinks he has a fever. I know what he wants, and if I try to ignore him he'll keep it up until I give in and get up and feel his forehead. Almost every time he's never even warm. If I try to just hand him the thermometer he'll say he can't read it on his own so I still have to get off my butt. I've had to stop myself from flicking him in the forehead for bothering me more than once. I really ought to start that. Every time I have to stop what I'm doing to feel his forehead and he's NOT at least moderately warm, I'm going to flick him in the forehead! If I have to pour the Pepto Bismol into the cup for him because he's 'too weak' or too dizzy to stand up and do it himself I'm going to flick him in the forehead! If I have to run to the store because he wants something he knows we don't have I'm tipping myself from his pants pocket...and flicking him in the forehead! Paul's a Leo. He expects to be petted and mollycoddled... I'm just not a coddler at all. I'm a Scorpio and I don't even coddle myself.

Damien on the other hand is also a Scorpio. He hates to be coddled or loved on now that he's older. When he was younger he liked to cuddle on the couch, but he's no longer a little boy. When he's sick he'll put up with a quick hand on the forehead, but after that leave him alone. He's just fine. Give him a little Sprite and chicken soup and leave. He does get lazy and will sit on his bed and yell "Mom!" expecting me to come to him to see a commercial he thinks is funny or has something he wants to own, but never when he's sick. I think part is, like I said, he's a Scorpio, but also I decided when he was born not to treat him like a piece of crystal. I had read an article about a study that said the reason girls were girlie was because they were handled more gently when babies, while boys are handled more...not rough...but less gentle. Adults/parents think a baby boy can 'handle it'. It went on to say that baby boys who were handled like they would break stood a much bigger chance of being more sissy-like. I'm not saying gay! That's how you're born no matter what. I'm just saying they cry when they fall, or just can't handled hard play with other kids. They're just less tough. It's the same with girls. The baby girls who aren't treated like they're made of eggshell will be the tomboys who can keep up with the boys. They grow up to climb mountains or race cars or join roller derby teams.

What I learned?

My bank has a checking account for those 50 and older. Free checking, free checks, interest on money, no minimum amount, discount on safety deposit boxes. First good thing of being 50! ...Yea, I know it has nothing to do with what I wrote above, but I had to get that in! lol

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