Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Week Nine (1/5-11)

It seems like the Universe is testing me by making sure I don't have the time alone to think and work on my blog. This week Paul hurt his back and might have a herniated disc.  I'm so sorry on so many levels that he's hurt: I don't like to see him in pain, I don't like knowing he's going to be home, I don't like knowing I'm going to be driving him to so many doctors appointments... No!

I promised you and myself I wouldn't whine... Trust me when I say I could EASILY pull something off the shelf if I did want to whine! Did you know there are a lot of words for whine: pule, whimper, complain, grouch, grump, crab, gripe, grouse, kick, beef, bellyache, and bitch. Kick and beef surprise me. Kick is an action... 'I could just kick myself'. Action. But there's also 'Man! What a kick!' Isn't that good? Even: 'That was a kick in the pants!' That could go either way if you ask me, good or whine. And 'beef'? Only thing that comes to mind is 'So what's your beef?' I think if someone said it to me I'd think I was in an old black and white Humphrey Bogart movie. 'Pule' is an odd word, but even though I've never heard it before it makes a whinny sound when you say it aloud, and it actually goes with whimper, which is using sounds rather than words to let others know you're all bummed out, so I'll accept it. I can't stand when someone pules either! It's annoying.

On a good note I love the coated tongs Paul got me for Christmas! I can't believe how happy they make me. You see cooks on TV using them all the time, but it had never sunk in that I needed a pair. L-o-v-e them! Highly recommend them to everyone who cooks anything.

What I learned this week:

Some new words I hope you never use to describe me.

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