Monday, August 15, 2022

Funeral Playlist

About a year ago I heard a beautiful song on a local LP (low power) blues/jazz radio station. It was a song by Anthony Gomes titled "Darkest Before the Dawn". I highly recommend listening. It's absolutely beautiful! But I bring this up because I had a thought I had never had in my life before as the music washed over my soul:

"I want this played at my funeral". 

Such a weird thing to think yet there it was. I'm healthy, no physical problems to worry me, and beyond an occasional fleeting idea of maybe I should decide where I want to be buried (though definitely cremation as I'm claustrophobic) I really haven't planned anything.

I called my best friend and asked her if this had ever happened to her. She got very animated and began telling me about her "funeral playlist" that she had had for years. Then she rattled off the top ten songs. You have to understand she has never shied away from the subject of death. She has worked in nursing homes and funeral homes at different points in her life. She would volunteer to sit with people at the nursing home in their last hours so they wouldn't be alone in the end. She has told me it's a peaceful experience. She's also a very organized person. She has her plot bought and has had it paid for since her 30's.

Then there's me who has one song and the idea of cremation. Am I supposed to be on this thing? Should I have this wrapped up with a bow by now? My parents did. My brother has already asked me if I minded he take the last space at our paternal family plot in our home town. Of course I said yes and he put his marker in place. 

I mean, of course I've had fleeting thoughts through the years. For a time I wanted to have an extended vacation after death at a Body Farm. I discovered the list of future volunteers is longer than needed. I'm also an organ donor and if by chance parts of me can go on to help others I would be turned down for not only a Body Farm but it would make me useless for a medical school as well. That makes it hard to go that route.

I have thought of a few things in moments of entertainment. I don't want a preacher acting like he knows me or even in attendance. No church music, and especially they better not play Green Green Grass of Home which seems to be a go-to at every damn funeral in my family. Ick. I would like an actor from the local theater to act like a preacher-of-sorts. I would love to have someone do their version of Jim Ignatowski (actor Christopher Lloyd) from the comedy series Taxi. Just a brainfried rambling monologue would be wonderful, but no one other than BHP and our son could know it's a performance. I don't see it really happening, but my funeral would be talked about for YEARS! lol

I don't like the whole funeral thing to tell you the truth. It's expensive and my family would have to put up with extended family who suddenly show up. I think I'd rather my ashes be added to compost and used to grow a tree in a national forest or wherever. Then I can haunt hikers. Maybe even become an Urban Legend. The Bitchy Ghost of the (insert name of forest). 

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