Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week Thirteen (2/2-8)

Lucky 13...
There isn't much I can write about the past week. I watched TV and fed my family over and over... I did see this new show called Doomsday Preppers. It follows different people who are preparing for Armageddon or different horrors that might happen. It did remind me I was going to do something like that. I did fill three or four 2 liter bottles with water and stuck them in the shed for such an emergency. I was going to put at least one 2 liter bottle of water up every week, but I guess something shiny must have distracted me. It happens sometimes!
I did learn if you coat eggs with mineral oil and store them in a cool place they'll keep for 8-12 months. That kind of scares me though! It showed them feeding them to friends, and it didn't show anyone throwing up afterwards, but I just don't know if I would risk it. I'd have to feed one to someone I don't like first before I'd feed it to my family. I think I would stick to freeze dried or vacuum sealed things. You can supplement with seasonal wild things like persimmons, paw-paws, greens and things. Paul can shoot a gun (something else we'd have to buy though!) so we would have meat even if it's pigeon or rabbit. It's expensive to fend for yourself!
What I learned this week:
I learned.....what's that shiny thing over there? ..........

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