Thursday, June 30, 2022

Drawing A Line

Consider this is an imaginary line I'm drawing in imaginary sand. 

I turned 60 this year, but since I missed the majority of being in my 50's in this blog I'm going to make a list of the highlights and lowlights and use my imperfect memory as well as my imperfect "wisdom" to go over things from the magical place called hindsight.

I'll also complain, of course. Today is a perfect day to complain about! I mean I woke up refreshed and feeling good. I was even chuckling about a weird dream I can't remember now. THEN I HAD TO LEAVE THE HOUSE! Ugh! Traffic was twice as bad as usual, and when I got back home from picking my partner and our son up from their 3rd shift jobs as well as going to the grocery store there was nothing to eat for breakfast. I settled on a bowl of frosted cornflakes and that's when I realized some JERK had ate all four perfectly ripe bananas I had bought yesterday! In one day! Granted that jerk was me (they were SO GOOD!) but still I'm going to complain because I can. Seriously those bananas were the most perfectly sweet brown freckled bananas I've had in a long time. I mean, I didn't eat them in one sitting. I had two for breakfast with a cold glass of buttermilk (it's something I learned from my mom. A sweet/sour combo that's a comfort food for me.) Then I didn't eat the other two until 8pm. If I didn't have to leave the house I'd go buy another bunch. Though banana pudding sounds pretty darn good... I'll think on it.

So that's my day and it's only 9:45am

What did I learn?

I guess that I missed blogging. Even this short entry makes me feel pretty darn good.

Tah-tah for now.

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