Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Changing Tides

I took this picture at Pomme de Terre lake near Elkton, Missouri. It's a little public beach at the end of a dirt road I love to visit.



The first few years of being officially an "old lady", and not a 'this is my old lady' lady as some men say, was full of a lot of despondency. There was a lot of eating what I shouldn't, and not taking care of myself because I was blue. How could I even wash my face if I didn't want to look at my reflection? My answer was I didn't! Yes, I washed it when I was taking a shower, but I just quit using face cleaners and my once much loved Buf-Puf. I was lucky I still used deodorant! (Actually everyone around me was lucky on that one!) I didn't shave my legs as much as I should have either. I was a mess!

Sure, I was getting by. I could get out of bed every day. I could dress myself and take my son to school and his dad to work as needed. I could feed my family mostly “normal” meals, and I could even joke about being old. The problem was something was off. It’s hard to explain because I didn’t know there was something…not right…in the old noggin, or maybe it was the heart? I guess you could say I was on “autopilot”. Things got done, but it was only at the most basic level. I did only enough to get by and keep my family from mutiny.

About a month ago I took a selfie of myself for something I was writing. For the umpteenth time I whined to myself because my eyebrows had faded to the point that they were almost nonexistent.  This had been bothering me for a few years, and I hated the way it looked! This time, though, I had an amazing idea that had NEVER occurred to me before! I could dye them darker! Yes, this was not a new advanced idea in beauty. Others have dyed their eyebrows for decades, yet it had never occurred to me that I could too! I dye my hair, yet this was a moment when I should have heard trumpets play!

I did dye them and the change in how I felt was amazing! But more important, the eyebrows lead to buying a Buf-Puf and facial cleanser. Then the Buf-Puf led to cutting my intake of diet soft drinks and replacing it with water with a slice of lemon, and that steered me to wanting to eat less junk! This all happened within a months’ time, so the results aren’t noticeable on the outside just yet, but my heart and soul feel free and light as a bird!

Now I feel like I walked out from behind a dark veil to discover unfiltered sunshine for the first time in I honestly don’t know how long. My heart has grown because it’s full of happiness again, and I have rediscovered myself.
Hey! You out there! Yes, you, the one reading this. Don't give up! We will get through this together! It DOES get better!